5 Natural Ways To Beat Acne & Get Clearer Skin

Add these DIY remedies to your skincare regimen to help prevent and heal acne breakouts.

Indian turmeric powder
Photo Credit: Jirkaejc

Turmeric + Yogurt

Turmeric is a great natural remedy to fight or help prevent acne. The spice has its roots in Asia and has been used for centuries in medicinal practices. Recently, it has had a surge in popularity lately in both your grocery store and beauty counter.
For your skin, turmeric can reduce inflammation and irritation as well as help with hyperpigmentation. It also prevents the growth of bacteria, which helps control any breakouts.
To try, mix 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder with one teaspoon greek yogurt and 1/2 teaspoon honey. You’ll get the antibacterial properties of honey, along with yogurt’s natural antifungal and oil-reducing properties.
Apply all over your face and let sit for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and finish off your normal regimen with a serum or toner and moisturizer.

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