5 Natural Ways To Beat Acne & Get Clearer Skin

Add these DIY remedies to your skincare regimen to help prevent and heal acne breakouts.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Photo Credit: Bondarillia

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is another natural holy grail for treating both hair and skin. It can be used as a cleanser, toner, or spot treatment. The raw, unpasteurized liquid is a potent antibacterial that can help balance your skin’s pH so you are less oily and less dry.
If you just want a spot treatment, dab a small amount directly onto the problem area.
As a cleanser, mix 1/4 cup of warm water with 1 tablespoon of ACV and massage into face. Rinse with warm water.
As a toner, mix one part ACV with two parts purified water. If you have sensitive skin, add more water to dilute. Spray on or apply with a cotton pad after cleansing your skin. Don’t worry the smell will disappear once it’s dry.

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