Pre-Poo Mistakes: The Experts Give The Deets!

By Sabrina Perkins of
Not every oil is ideal for an effective pre-poo (pre shampoo treatment). According to American Board Certified Haircolorist, celebrity hair stylist, and makeup artist, Monaé Everett, we need to, “avoid using heavy oils such as Castor Oil and Almond Oil on dry hair.” She adds, “these oils are too thick to penetrate the hair shaft, so they make a great sealant. For best results, wet your hair before applying a thick sealant oil such as these.”
Most oils are not moisturizing and will NOT penetrate the hair shaft. Some that do are:
Coconut Oil
Avocado Oil
Olive Oil
Ucuuba Butter
Babassu Oil
Make sure to use one of the above to ensure that cleansing will be gentle, effective and non-stripping of your natural oils. Also note that heavy butters and oils applied to dry hair that aren’t properly removed, can further dry out the hair, preventing the effectiveness of leave-in conditioners and moisturizers that you follow up with. 
As the natural hair movement continues to take over the beauty world, brands are vying for our dollars and creating products for just about EVERYTHING! Pre-poos are increasing in numbers on shelves, but you do not need to buy one to get the nourishing benefits for your hair. Using a natural oil, moisturizing DIY conditioner, or hair butter will smooth the path to detangled, pliable, fortified, and moisturized hair.  
Some of my 4C lovelies feel they need extra,extra moisture-inducing recipes, so watch Chanel Oldham as she creates an easy and powerfully penetrating pre-poo that will love your 4C hair as much as you do!  That hair puff, tho?! #HairEnvy 

Just as we use heat to help our deep conditioning treatments better penetrate our strands, adding heat with a thermal cap, hooded dryer or plastic cap during a pre-poo will give you optimal benefits. The added heat will help the oils to penetrate quickly, decreasing the time it takes to get through your wash day! This is great when you are short on time and don’t have time to marinate and luxuriate in the richness of your treatments! 
Not sure on what to use? Check out NappyFu TV as she shares the differences between pre-pooing with an oil and a conditioner. Remember that trial and error is KING- so be sure to try a few different ingredients and conditioners to figure out which one is the best fit for you and your curls! 

 Have you tried a pre-poo and what is your favorite pre poo to use?

Sabrina Perkins is an author and beauty blogger of two successful blogs, and A natural hair expert with over 10 years in the field, her newest book, Natural Hair For Beginners – A Beginners Guide To Going Natural Successfully! has received rave reviews and breaks down the basics of natural hair and how to keep it healthy.